One of my favorite food bloggers, Carolyn Ketchum, posted on Facebook that HEALTH magazine was looking for female prediabetics to interview. I submitted my contact information and was surprised to immediately hear from them. I completed an interview and was then asked for before and after pictures. I have taken all my progress pictures myself with my iPad so they are mostly faceless shots. The magazine needed pictures with my face so I had to dig around for before pics and have Mark take afters for me with no time to fix myself up. If my story is included I will be yet another statistic of women featured in magazines with awful pictures! At any rate I thought I'd share the first collage I put together for them without my face. Personally, I think these are better than what I ended up submitting at the end.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Wow, look at you! Major progress, those are great pics! I hope you get featured in Health! Whoo hoo!